AMRAP in 8 Minutes    

4 hang power snatch (75/53) 

6 box jumps 

Rest 3 mins 

AMRAP in 8 Minutes 

4 push press(75/53) 

6 CTB pull ups 

Rest 3 mins 

AMRAP in 8 Minutes 

4 SDLHP (75/53) 

10 double unders 

Post completed rounds for each couplet and the total sum for the three. 

CrossFit Games Masters Update: Paul completed two workouts today. He placed 4th in his first workout, with a 14:42 "Nancy." He went on to place 6th in the 1RM dead lift, with 405#, a 20# PR! This places him 4th overall! He will compete again at a TBD time on Sunday. We will let you know more when we know more. Thank you for all your support!