In teams of 4 complete the following:

2 Rounds

400m Run

30 Double Unders

20 Pull-Ups

20 KB Swings 70#/53#

15 DB Thrusters 50#/30#

15 GHD Sit-Ups

30m Walking Lunges

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level.  This workout is to be completed in the same manner as Event 3 of the Affiliate Cup at the 2010 CrossFit Games.  All team members will run the 400m run together.  When the entire team has returned from the run, team member 1 will complete the 30 Double Unders, when #1 is done with the D/U's he/she will move on to the 20 Pull-Ups while team member 2 completes 30 D/U's.  When #1 is done with Pull-Ups, he/she will move on to 20 KB Swings.  #2 finishes the 30 D/U's and moves on to Pull-Ups and #3 starts D/U's.  When #1 moves on to Thrusters, #2 can start KB Swings and #3 can start Pull-Ups, allowing #4 to start D/U's. At no time can a team member pass another member of his/her team.  If #3
has trouble with Pull-Ups and #4 is done with D/U's, #4 must just rest
until #3 is done.  Continue in this manner until all team members have completed the exercises for round 1, then all team members will complete the 400m run for round 2 together, etc… until all rounds have been completed.  When the last team member (#4) finishes the 30m of lunges, call time.