Level 1

1-10, 2-9, 3-8, 4-7, 5-6, 6-5, 7-4, 8-3, 9-2, 10-1 reps of

Box Jumps 24/20″

KB Swings 53/35#


800M Row


1-10, 2-9, 3-8, 4-7, 5-6, 6-5, 7-4, 8-3, 9-2, 10-1 reps of

Sit Ups

Skater Plyos


800M Run

Post time.


Level 2


Wall Ball 20/14#

Hang Power Cleans 95/63#

Pull Ups

*Perform 3 burpees at the top of every minute

Post time.