10 Bodyweight Bench Press  (W-75% of BW)

10 Strict Pull Ups

3 times.


10 Deadlifts ( 1.25 BW/ BW)

20 DB Bear Crawls  (35#/25#)

3 times.

5 Front Rack Lunges  (75#/53#)

5 Overhead Rack Lunges

10 GHD Hip Extensions

3 times.

Post loads and whether or not Rx'd.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  There is no time element involved in this workout. It is purely a strength workout, designed to get everyone's strength up to speed. Pay very close attention to your form on all of these exercises. If you are unable to do a strict pull up, keep doing a kipping pull up. The DB bear crawls can be done outside. Make sure you change grip positions when going from front rack lunges to overhead lunges. There is a difference.