
15 Hang Power Cleans 

10 Push Jerks

5 Front Squats

250m Row

Rest 2 Minutes.

3 times.



20 Pull Ups

30 Double Unders

3 times.

Load Key: L1 95#/63#, L II 115#/78#, Competitor 135#/93#

Post load and best interval split and time.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  As with all interval workouts, try to get the most out of each of the working portion of the interval. There should be little to no pacing whatsoever in the work portion of the interval. It would be a good indication of your fitness level if these were done in a negative split time. Your times would become slightly faster each interval attempt. Use the load key to determine what load to use as it relates to your fitness goal and level.

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