Get ready for The Open. Sign up for CrossFit East County’s Open competition. The cost is $10 and the winning team takes all the money. There will be an Rx Division and a Scaled Division, so all levels are welcome. Last year’s edition was a lot of fun. This year’s will be more fun than ever. Look for the sign up sheet at the front desk. Good luck to all.

” Whistle While You Work ”

Complete the following in any order and partition work as desired.

2000m Row
75 Thrusters 75#/55# (L2 95#/65#)
300 Double Unders
100 KB Snatches 35#/26# (L2 53#/35#)

* Whenever you hear the coach’s whistle blow, you must stop what you’re doing and complete the required exercise and rep scheme for the movement. The whistle will blow randomly.
One whistle = 10 Burpees
Two whistles + 10 Pull Ups
Three whistles = 100′ Bear Crawls

Post time.