
We will be having a gymnastics clinic on Saturday, April 25th at 10 am.  Coach Terry Miller and Anthony Blando both have extensive backgrounds in gymnastics and will be our coaches for the clinic!  For anyone who wants to work on handstands, pull-ups, muscle-ups…  We are opening this up to the public as well, so if you know of anyone who would interested please spread the word!


Level 1

30 Min Work Capacity

Must accumulate 500 reps from the following exercises:

Pull Ups

Med Ball Cleans 20/14#

Floor Press 95/65#

Hang Power Cleans

Front Rack Lunges

Sit Ups

Double Unders

*Minimum of 25 reps for each exercise

*Maximum of 100 Sit Ups and 150 Double Unders

Post time or total reps completed.

Extra Credit

3×10 Ring Rows

3×1 Min Handstand Hold


Level 2

30 Min Work Capacity

Must Accumulate 300 reps from the following exercises:

Hang Power Snatches 115/75#

Back Squats

CTB Pull Ups

Ring Dips

GHD Sit Ups

KB Swings 70/53#

*Minimum of 25 reps for each exercise

*Maximum of 100 reps for each exercise

Post time or total number of reps.

Extra Credit

Tabata L-Sit :20/:10 x 8


Barbell Club

Power Clean: 2×2 @ 80%, 3×2 @ 85%

Power Jerk: 2×2 @ 80%, 3×2 @ 85%

Stiff Legged Deadlift 5×3

Post loads.