Level 1

Complete the following in any order and partition as desired.
20 Tire Flips 250#/200#
15 Sled Pushes 90#
800m Sandbag Run 70#/50#
100 GHD Sit Ups
100 Floor Press 95#/65#
Post time.

Level 2

Partner Workout
100 Calories on Airdyne
*1 person pedals, while the other holds a barbell overhead. 135#/95#
1000m Row
* 1 person rows, while the other holds a weighted plank. 45#/35#
150 GHD Sit Ups
* 1 person does sit ups, while the other holds KB front rack. 2 @ 53#/2 @ 35#
Post time.

CrossFit Old School

600m Run
75 Wall Ball 20#/14#
600m Run
75 Wall Ball
600m Run
Post time.