5 Minute Max Double Unders


Cleans  4 X 4  @ 70% 1RM

Snatch Balance  4 X 2  @ 65% Snatch 1RM

3 minute rest between attempts.


Men- 25-20 15

Unbroken pull Ups

Women- 20-16-12

Unbroken Pull Ups

2 minute rest between sets.

Post D/U's, loads and Rx or not.

Coachibg Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  Shoot for a PR in double unders. 158 is the current men's record and 118 is the women's. Go after it.  For the cleans and snatch balances, work on speed and accuracy, not load. You want to focus on touch and go while doing the cleans. By the fourth rep your arms should be completely out of the picture in moving the bar. It should be all hips.  The aggressiveness of your initial hip drive in the snatch balance should be your first focus, followed by the snapping extension of your elbows as you drop under the bar. Again, work on speed, speed, speed and more speed.  Get as familiar as you can with this movement, it will help in your overall performance of the snatch.  The last part of the workout is working on getting as many reps as you can when doing pull ups. Only rest 2 minutes in between your sets. Stay focused and stay on the bar.