
1000m Row

25 Squats

750m Row

50 squats

500m Row

75 Squats


100 Sit Ups

Post times.


Back Squat  1,1,1,1

Press  1,1,1,1

25 GHD Sit Ups x 4

Post loads and Rx or not.

ANNOUNCEMENT: CFEC will be having a Rx Jump Rope Clinic on learning the Double Under.  This Sunday at 8:30 a.m., we will host this informative clinic in being more efficient at performing this advanced movement.  There is no charge.  Get there on time.

Also, for those who are interested in competing in CrossFit competitions in the coming year, I will start designing programs specifically for achieving that goal. You need to e-mail me that you are interested and I will fill you in on the details to get you going. Don't hesitate, let me know within the next 2 weeks, as I want to get started by September 1st.