Announcement: Today, Friday and Saturday, CrossFit East County will be having “Share The Pain” classes for friends and family of our members.  You can bring up to 3 friends with you to any class you attend on those days for FREE. Come one, come all.
Also, Monday starts the new month for the Beginners Class. They meet Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 5:00pm. Saturday at 8:30am. Check the class schedule for more details.

Level I
3 Rounds
500m Row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps  20″
Post time.
Level II
KB Swings  53#/35#
Pull Ups
50 HSPU’s- Men
30 HSPU’s – Women

Post times.
Goes like this: 80 Squats, 40 KB Swings, 20 Pull Ups and so on.
Clean and Jerk- Heavy Single
5 Attempts for 1RM on Weighted Bar Dips
Post loads.