Level One

30 Power Clean and Jerks 115/85#
Every Minute do 5 Burpees
*Start with burpees (@0:00)
-Rest 5:00-
30 Power Snatches 95/65#
Every Minute do 5 Burpees
*Start with burpees (@ 0:00)
-Post time for each
Extra Credit
4 Rounds Not for time
20 Hip Extensions
15 V-Ups
10 Ring Dips

Level Two

100’ Handstand Walk
75 Zeus Double Unders
50 Wall Balls 20/14#
5 Peg Boards
50 Wall Balls
75 Zeus Double Unders
100’ Handstand Walk
**30:00 Time Cap
Emom 10
odd: 5 Bench Press (Body weight)
Even: 10 Strict pull-ups
-Post time and load


Wall Balls 20/14#
*20/16 Cal Bike after each set
1 Mile Run
-Post Time
**After the set of 3 WB do 20/16 cal bike then immediately go into your 1 mile run.