Congratulations to Tyler and Zach on winning the 2014 Reindeer Games.  They were sitting in 3rd place going in to the last workout.  Their come from behind win was awesome to witness. Way to represent boys!



Level 1

30 Min Time Cap

Must accumulate 400 reps from the following exercises:

Deadlifts 135/95#

Pull Ups

Proper Push Ups

KB Swings 53/35#

Goblet Squats


Double Unders

*25 Rep Minimum on each, max of 100 Double Unders

Post time or total number of reps.


Level 2

25 Min Time Cap

800M Run (Buy in)

50 Double Unders

40 Alternating Pistols

30 Toes to Bar

20 TGU + Windmill  *Choose KB

10 Muscle Ups


5 Rounds

:30 Sec Front Squat Isometric Hold* (use a rack)

:30 Sec Rest

Post time or number of reps completed, and load for isometric holds.


Barbell Club

EMOM for 10 Min

Odd: 3 Front Squats @ 90%1RM

Even: 3 Bench Press @ 90%1RM


EMOM for 20 Min

1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (from the rack)

Post loads.