30 Seconds of Max Squats

30 Seconds of Max Double Unders

1 Minute Rest

5 Times.


10 Front Squats  95#/63#

5 Hang Power Cleans

10 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes.

3 times.

100 Sit Ups.

Post total squats and double unders, times minus 4 minutes and time.

Coaching Tips:  Have your jump rope near by during the first workout, so you don'twaste time transitioning from one exercise to the other.  Keep you rate of repetitions high, so you can get as many reps as possible, think Tabata Squats.  Don't do so at the expense of range of motion or form.  The speed of your front squats and hang power cleans should be rather quick, as well.  The load is light enough to do them at a good clip. 

Lonely?  I'll be your friend.