Back Squat  5 X 2  @ 80% of 1RM


15 Back Squats  135#/95#

15 Box Jumps  24"/20"

30 Sit Ups

3 times.


50 Power Cleans  115#/78#  ( Comp. 135#/93#)

Post load and times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  Warm up properly prior to any near max load lifts. Make all 5 sets at or near 80% of 1 RM. Rest 1 minute between efforts in the back squat. For the second workout, the bar must be lifted from the floor.

CFEC welcomes Donna Power into the Level 1 group classes. Donna stayed a total of 5 sessions in CFEC's Beginner's Program this month. Donna was very motivated to learn the fundamental movements, so she studied hard and spent many hours at learning those movements. It paid off with a great test score and now she's gets to the 5:15 a.m. class. Good job, Donna.

CFEC athletes in different moments of personal prayer.