15 Cleans   (L1 95#/63#-LII 155#/103#)

30 Toes to Bar

30 Box Jumps  24"/20"

L1 25/15 Ring Dips  LII 15/10 Muscle Ups

30 DB Push Press   L1 35#/20#  LII 45#/25#

30 Double Unders

15 Thrusters   (L1 95#/63# - LII 135#/98#)

30 Pull Ups

30 Burpees

30 Overhead walking Lunges 300 ft.  45#/25# 


150 Sit Ups

Post times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level.  This workout was the last event at the 2009 CrossFit Games. The cleans are full squat cleans. Toes must touch the bar in order to count as a rep.  Feet start together on the ground and must end together on top of the box with hips and knees fully extended.  Level one, men do 25 ring dips, while women do 15 ring dips.  The trailing knee must touch the ground while doing the overhead walking lunges. No touch-No count.  The chaser is 150 Ab Mat sit ups.


Sweet Potato Fries

See Lisa's Nutrition Blog for details.