
Overhead Squat  5 X 3

Weighted Bar Dip  3 X 1

Olympic Lifting:

Split Jerk  5 X 2

Snatch Deadlift  3 X 3


3 minutes to find max reps of each exercise.

Push ups

Sit Ups



Take 3 minute rest in between each exercise.

Post loads and/or rep count.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  Depending on your training cycle and where your weaknesses fall, choose one of the workouts from above. If, by chance you can complete most of the work within 40 minutes, then you may get a second workout in during class.  Otherwise, work on one of your weaknesses.  You can move back and forth between the strength movements and the Oly movements, but choose doing either strength or Oly lifting. Not both. The CF workout is max reps for three minutes of those 4 exercises. Take a 3 minute rest in between those movements. No longer than 3 minutes.

Competitors: You should have turned in your goal sheet to me already. Time is something you can never get back. If you are seriously thinking of competing, get these to me ASAP, so we can get your training program rolling.

We had another incredible month of PR's. There are many new people on the PR board this past month. Good job and keep coming back for more each month. If your health and fitness are important to you, know that no lasting results will ever happen in a couple of months training. Keep your eye on the prize. Use your log books as fuel to achieve those goals you've set for yourself. Way to go everyone!