Workout #1

10 Power Snatch 75#/53#

20 Wall Ball  20#/16#

30 Double Unders

3 times.

Workout #2

25 Push Ups

10 KB Pistols  35#/26#

3 times.

Workout #3

1 Mile Run

Choose 2 and post times.

Comp. Loads – 135#/93#

Coaching Tips:  Scale loads and movements to match your current fitness level.  All workouts are simply put.  The only modification is for the KB pistols.  For this movement you can only modify by doing your pistols off a bench. You will still be able to hold a load, but you cannot use a band or a pull up bar upright to hold on to. This is a great way to work on the hip strength and balance components of the exercise.  If you are planning on competing in the coming year, you are to use the loads posted for competitors. No modifications for competitors. If you cannot do pistols, you better start the process of learning how to do them today.  Don't put it off for another day.