"Agility Circuit"

Icky Shuffle on ladder

Lateral box hops

Bench jumps

Lateral hurdle runs

Skater plyos

30-45-30 seconds at each station. Rest 1 minute after each circuit.


AMRAP in 12 minutes.

2000m Row

Thrusters  95#/63#


50 Toes to Bar

Post times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The agility circuit is 30 seconds at each station for the first and last round through. 45 seconds the second time through.  Try to get as many reps as possible at each station. This circuit is designed to help work on your agility and develop some endurance as well.  The second workout will be getting to 2000 meters in the row as quickly as possible, but with enough left in the tank to knock out as many reps of thrusters as possible before 12 minutes is up. Lastly, do 50 toes to bar as quickly as possible. You will get 3 minute rest between workouts.

Rebecca is in anxious anticipation of finishing the power cleans and jumping back on the AirDyne to go all out for 60 seconds. Just like a ride at Disneyland.


Roasted Beets and Butternut Squash

See Lisa's Nutrition Blog for details.