Level 1

1 Mile Run

200 Sit Ups


7 DB Hang Squat Cleans  (35#/25#)

14 DB Thrusters

21 DB Walking Lunges

3 times

Post times.

Compare to 10/01/2009

Level II

100 KB Front Rack Step Ups  35#-16"/26#-12"


5 Power Snatch  115#/78#

10 Ring Dips

10 Burpees

5 times.

Post times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  There's only one run, so give it your all. We've done this workout before, so test yourself and see if you can beat your previous time. Keep your elbows up while holding the KB's in the front rack position. Don't get sloppy and let your posture deteriorate while in the heat of the battle. Keep your mind focused on the task at hand and keep accurate count of your reps.


Coconut Milk Ice Cream

See Lisa's Nutrition Blog for details.