Level 1
15 Clean and Jerks 95#/65#
15 Pull Ups
3 Rounds
200m Run
25 Double Unders
25 Sit Ups
10 Clean and Jerks 115#/75#
10 Pull Ups
3 Rounds
12 Box Jumps 20″
12/8 Push Ups
12 Alternating DB Snatches 50#/35#
5 Clean and Jerks 135#/95#
5 Pull Ups
Post time.
Level 2
0:00 – 8:00
3 Rounds
200m Run
1 Rope Climb 15′
5 Burpees
8:00 – 18:00
3 Rounds
350m Row
10 GHD Sit Ups
18:00 – 28:00
15/12 – 20/16 – 25/20- 20/16 – 15/12
KB Swings 70#/53#
Proper Push Ups
Post Rx or sections completed.
“Weight Vest Wednesday”
1000m Run
3 Rounds
15 DB Thrusters 35#/25#
10 Pull Ups
800m Run
20 – 30 – 20
Overhead Walking Lunges 35#/25#
Plate Clean and Press
600m Run
Post time.
5:15 am
L 1
Erica S. 25:42 Rx
Emily W. 31:42
Mariah 27:43
Hector 20:50 Rx
Ivan 25:00
Ulises 32:00
Erik 23:15
Jr. 20:50 Rx
Andy 25:46 Rx
L1- Amadi 19:59 Rx
Dylan 22:07Rx
Sean 22:10
Laurie 35:26
Ed 17:46Rx
Marta 37:10
Antonio 21:41Rx
Jessica 25:08Rx
Lisa 19:50Rx
Sonya 35:20
Alex Rx
Erica S 2
Tina 30:05
Nicole 29:50
Thomas 26:15 Rx
Darin 27:39
Steph 26:36
Dean 26:00 RX
Tyler 2
Nacho 41:54 Rx
Susan 41:54
4:00 pm
L 1
Sara 22:15 Rx
Chris 24:15 Rx
Warren 26:21 Rx
Jen 28:09
Caroline 26/58
Adrian 30:14
Shane 30:54
Clarissa 20:53
L 2
Ira C
Jimmy 2
Jr. 2
5:00 pm
L 1
Lisa C. 24:44
Pat 23:18 Rx
Mariyah 23:00
Kennedy 23:43 Rx
Ofelia 27:10
Tonia 29:51 Rx
L 2
Jeff 2
Kayla 21:43Rx
Jessica G 24:25
Mike S 24:54Rx
Tess 23:57
Mark 24:30
Sloane 17:02Rx