Power Clean to Hang Squat Clean  6 X 1


AirDyne Tag Team

1. AirDyne

2. Sandbag Squat and Sprint  50#/30#

2 minute rest.

2 times.



AMRAP in 7 minutes of:


1 Muscle Up

Post load and times.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. Power clean the bar to your shoulders and then re-set the bar to hang position and perform a squat clean. This is done without setting the bar down on the floor. Go up in weight in increments so that the last 2 or 3 sets are challenging to you. In the AirDyne Tag Team, one does the AirDyne and the other completes the sandbag squat and sprint. Partners switch then rest for 2 minutes and repeat. The last workout is in honor of our favorite funny man, Newman.