Level I
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
20 Squats
200m Run
21 KB Swings 53#/35#
12 Pull Ups
400m Run
75 Wall Ball 20#/14#
400m Run
12 Pull Ups
21 KB Swings
200m Run
20 Squats
10 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
Post time.
Compare to 11/22/2011, 6/29/2010, 6/09/2009, 1/22/2009
Level II
Front Squats 5 X 5
“Flight Simulator”
Unbroken Double Unders
Post load and time.
Notice: Please check the abbreviated class schedule for this weekend. We will NOT be having a 5:15 a.m. or 5:00 p.m. class Friday and we will be CLOSED Sunday. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Carlos 20:23
Jack 34:42 Rx
Jannay 30:03
Joshua 28:56
Peter 22:12
Laurie 20:23 Rx
Emily 13:49 Rx PR
Monica 14:10 Rx PR
Chrissy 16:29 Rx PR
Rose 21:45 RX PR
Dawn 18:28 Rx PR
Julia 15:48 Rx PR
Level I
Elizabeth 20:21Rx PR
Kendra 27:18
Steve A. 19:55
Kelly A. 19:31
Lisa 14:54Rx
James W. 19:24Rx
Allison 23:39
Walt 21:16Rx
Sabrina 22:58Rx
Michaela 23:00
Level II
David K. 155#/12:34Rx
Scotty 155#/10:27Rx
Level I
Kat 21:10
Michelle Z. 20:11Rx
Karen C. 21:40Rx
Amy 17:35Rx
Kelly Z. 25:23
Bre 25:23
Pam V. 22:10
Tina 17:58Rx
Scotty 15:14Rx PR
Level II
Tiffany 93#/18:55
Melissa M. 26:29
Pete 24:19
Traci 17:25 Rx Row
Ed M. 21:20 Rx
Dustin 17:44
Roselynn 19:52 Rx
Rebecca 20:38 Rx
Tina -/20:00 Rx
PJ 26:40
Berenice 37:30
Terry 17:46Rx
Marissa 27:10Rx
Joe S. 24:19Rx
Matt G. 185#/10:29Rx
Ryan F. 155#/25:45Rx
Gabriella 93#
DAB 22:10Rx
Aaron 27:14Rx
Alex 17:37Rx 16#
Grace 21:58Rx
Duane 29:01Rx
Dusty 17:04Rx
Jessi 19:14
Sonya 26:28Rx
Anniken 15:50Rx 16#
Sarah 17:57Rx 16#
Tyler 27:59Rx
Kristi 21;06Rx
Laura 26:17
Eric 34:05Rx
James W. 145#/18:07
Grace –/9:15Rx
Alex –/8:35Rx
Anniken –/11:23Rx
Sonya –/29:22
Dano J. 22:22Rx
Carrie 26:23
Joey 15:29Rx
Sloane 16:21Rx
Breann 23:43
Shelly 24:03
Jeff S. 18:47Rx
Lenny –/7:45Rx
Vicki –/9:24(1/2)
L1 Corey 17:59Rx PR
We would like to thank you once again for the wonderful ideas you offered Jeremy when preparing her own post-graduate research and, most importantly, pertaining to providing all of the ideas in one blog post. Provided we had been aware of your web site a year ago, we will have been rescued from the unnecessary measures we were participating in. Thank you very much.