Level 1
50 Goblet Squats  53#/35#
50 Sit Ups
50 Wall Ball  20#/14#
50 Calorie Row
50 Box Jumps  20″
50 Pull Ups
50 Ball Slams  25#/20#
50 Overhead Walking Lunges  45#/25#
Post time.






Level 2
With an 8 minute time cap, perform the following:
30 HSPU’s
30 Pistols
With a 6 minute time cap, perform the following:
400m Waiter Walk  2 @ 45#/2 @ 25#
With a 6 minute time cap, perform the following:
75 Calories on Airdyne
Post Rx or not for each.






Barbell Club
Front Squat 2,2,2,2,2
Press 2,2,2,2,2
Post loads.



REMINDER:   We will not be holding and classes this Saturday, September 13, to allow for the EMPOWER, all women competition, full access to our gym.  Come and support some of Southern California’s fittest women compete at our amazing facility. CFEC will have a few members participating in the competition, so make it a point to attend.  There will be plenty of vendors, food and good fun for all.  We will resume our regular schedule the following Saturday, September 20.