In Teams of 3 People:
Each person takes a turn at 30 seconds, all out, on rower trying to achieve as high an average Wattage as possible each turn at rowing. Do this for 2 rounds. After all 6 turns, working as a team, with one person working at a time, complete the number of average Watts in reps of  the following:
Push Ups
All 3 row again and complete number of average Watts in reps of:
All 3 row one more time and complete number of average Watts in reps of:
Deadlifts   135#/95#
After last Deadlift, the team must run 1 mile together.

Post calories and time to complete reps (3 times) and run time.



ATTENTION:  If you wish to have your CFEC T- Shirts and Hoodies reserved in your color and size, make sure you pre-pay for your order.  We cannot guarantee your size and color will be available otherwise.  We expect to have them available next week.