Congratulations to Carrie, Jennifer and Cathy for completing The Silver Strand Half Marathon this past weekend.  It was their first attempts at that distance and they were successful in their efforts.  Coach Terry completed the race, too.

Level 1
E2MOM for 10 minutes of:
5 Deadlifts   @  70% of 1RM
10 Clapping Push Ups
AMARP in 15 minutes of:
200m Run (= 2 reps)
50 Double Unders
12 Skater Plyos  @ 4′  ( R+L=1)
Post load and rounds plus reps.

Level 2
E2MOM for 10 minutes of:
6 TGU’s  53#/44#
10 GHD Sit Ups
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
60′ Sled Push 90#
25 Ball Slams  25#/20#
10 Calories on Airdyne
Post Rx or not and rounds plus reps.

CrossFit Old School
4 Rounds
30 Double Unders
25 Wall Ball 20#/14# @ 9′
20 KB Swings  53#/35#
Post time.