Level 1
Ring Dips 3 X 15
Unbroken Pull Ups 3 X 15
Level II
3 Unbroken Muscle Ups
Rest 45 seconds.
5 times.
GHD Hip Extension 4 X 8
add weight each set
30 Ab Mat Sit Ups
1 Minute 6" Leg Raise Hold
3 times.
Post Rx or not, load and times.
Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. To receive an Rx on the first workout the pull ups must be done unbroken for level 1 and the muscle ups must be done unbroken for level 2. GHD hip extensions are 4 sets of 8 reps with weight. Use your glutes and hamstring to open your hips, not your lower back. Keep good form in doing these as there can be a higher than normal chance of injury when form deteriorates. Pay close attention to your form. The sit up workout goes like this: you do 30 sit ups and right after the last one you hold your feet 6" off the ground for 60 seconds. You cannot rest during this phase of the exercise. You can rest as long as needed before you attempt the leg raise hold.
Carissa practicing her KB pistols off of a bench.
Charlotte -/52#/9:48 Rx
Justin LII -/88#/6:29 Rx
Jack -/70#/9:40 Rx
Teshina Rx/35#/8:33 Rx
Paul LII Rx/88#/6:56 Rx
Scotty LII Rx/88#/5:50 Rx
Liza LI/25#/7:25
Phil LII/35#/7:25
Monica LII/40#/8:15Rx
Tony LII/35#/9:00
Donna LI/25#/2 Rnds.
Kristi LI/25#/11:25Rx
John R. LIRx/16#/11:15Rx
Rick LI/15#/8:10
Dustin LI/0#/7:35Rx
Tiffany LI/15#/7:33Rx
Andy LIIRx/35#/8:47Rx
Justin B. LII/35#/8:00Rx
Chris A. LI/25#/6:45Rx
Kraig LII/35#/6:06Rx
Rebecca LII/35#/5:42Rx
Anniken LII /35#/7:46 Rx
Carissa -/25#/5:57 Rx
Sonya -/20#/6:59 Rx
Sabrina -/25#/7:06 Rx
Briley LII-/35#/5:46 Rx
Yvette -/25#/6:50 Rx
Brandon LII-/26#/7:00 Rx
David L. Rx/BW/-
Lenny -/18#/6:45 Rx
Robert Rx/44#/6:41 Rx
Don LII Rx/44#/6:25 Rx
Dario Rx/35#/7:21 Rx
Jonathan -/35#/11:20 Rx
Steve A. L1Rx/45#/17:30Rx
Jon B. LIIRx/15#/8:32Rx
Amelia LI/26#/–
David K. LII/25#/8:18Rx
Jessica LII/25#/9:30Rx
Mike LIIRx/25#/5:48Rx
Greg LI/10#/7:10Rx
Michelle Z. LI/25#/6:22Rx
Bill LI/BW/9:04Rx
Very interesting topic, thank you for posting.