Our lovely Emily, proving that you can maintain your fitness while pregnant.  Emily has modified her program quite a bit as of late.  You still look fabulous, Emily.


Level 1
800m Run
5 Rounds
250m Row
25 Wall Ball  20#/14# @ 9′
800m Run
Post time.

Level 2
200m Run
5 Squat Cleans  185#/125#
200m Run
10 Squat Cleans  155#/105#
200m Run
15 Squat Clean  115#/75#
200m Run
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds
50 Unbroken Russian KB Swings  53#/44#
Post time minus rest.

Barbell Club
Overhead Squat 5,5,5,5,5
EMOM for 10 minutes
1 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean
Post loads.