Level 1
AMRAP in 5 minutes
1 Power Clean 155#/105#
1 Jerk
800m Run
25 Front Squats 95#/65#
25 GHD Sit Ups
25 Back Squats
25 Barbell Rollouts 4′
800m Run
Post rep total and time.
Level 2
AMRAP in 7 minutes
2 CTB Pull Ups
2 Squat Snatches 135#/95#
* Increase rep count by 2 reps each round.
20 – 25 – 30
Calories on Assault Bike
Thrusters 95#/65#
40 – 50 – 60
Double Unders
Sit Ups
15 – 20 – 25
Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
Floor Press
Post rep total and time.
CrossFit Old School
5 Rounds
350m Row
35 Double Unders
30 Thrusters 45#/35#
30 Sit Ups
Post time.
L 1
Rose 30/22:57
Diana 56 Rx/16:49
Erica S. 20 / 25:41 Rx 1200m
Felisa 12/31:40
Abi 16/19:45
Lydia 16/18:04
Kendric 28 Rx/23:46
Mark T. 34 Rx/18:20 Rx
Rob 12 Rx/22:27 Rx
Tim S. 30 Rx/18:52 Rx
L 2
Armando 22 Rx/ 24:00 Rx
L 1
Dylan 66 Rx/ 15:28 Rx
Lisa F. 42 Rx/14:11 Rx
Lisa 90 Rx/17:03 Rx
Mary 30 Rx/22:12 Rx
Marta 42/19:46 Rx
Alex 84 Rx/16:56 Rx 85#
Baron 16/16:37 Rx
Joey 33/18:04
Trapp 48 Rx/15:24 Rx
Jeff S. 64 Rx/20:26 Rx
Sonya 44:56
Nicole 46:48 Rx
Tina 3542 Rx
Sara 24 Rx/18:37 Rx
Alex M 26/16:50
Andy 26 Rx/14:49 Rx
Roarke 32 Rx/19:33 Rx
Jason 60 Rx/21:18 Rx
Pat 32 Rx/24:04 Rx
Chris B 51 Rx/13:30 Rx
Jake 50 Rx/40:00 Rx
Ira 15 Rx/34:24
Trapp 51 Rx/30:58 Rx
Connor 🙂 / 14:41
Kila 60 Rx/13:16 Rx
Brad 104 Rx/14:29 Rx
Kristine 60 Rx/15:51 Rx
Jorge 53 Rx/33:50 Rx
Dylan 81/21:06
Sloane 52 Rx/14:04 Rx
Cindy 50/19:22
Kayla 52/18:52 Rx
Savannah 28:49 Rx