AMRAP in 10 Minutes of:

1000m Row

Double Unders


"Ring of Grace"

30 Ground to Overhead   135#/93#

Ring Plank Holds


1 – 10

Pull Up and Burpee Ladder

Post double under total and times.

Coaching Tips:  The AMRAP goes like this: you row 1000m and with remaining time, get as many double unders as possible.  "Ring of Grace" is a partner workout that goes like this: P1 does as many reps of ground to overhead, while P2 stays in the plank position in the rings.  When P2 cannot hold any longer, the players switch positions.  The bar cannot be moved until one of the players is in the plank position.

Today, Friday and Saturday is "Share The Pain" weekend. All CFEC members can bring a friend (up to 3) with them to any class they are attending for FREE.  It's the perfect way to introduce those that you know and love to CrossFit.