200m Run

50 Double Unders

4 times.


500m Row

10 GTO   115#/73#

10 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes.

3 times.

3 Minute Ring Plank Holds

Post times and Rx or not.

Coaching Tips:  If you are unable to perform double unders, do 100 single rope jumps as a modification.  GTO is any movement of your choice to get the bar from the ground to overhead.  Snatch, Clean and Jerk or anything you'd like is what you can use to get the bar overhead.  For the ring plank holds, it's Rx'd if you can withstand the plank for the complete 3 minutes. If you cannot, just accumulate 3 minutes.

What did think of the open gym on Sunday?  Would you like to see it continue as a regular class on Sunday?  Post your thoughts to comments.