Back Squat 3,3,2,2,1,1


15 Back Squats 135#/95#

50 Sit Ups

1 Rope Climb

4 times.

Post load and time.

Coaching Tips:  Take 6 sets to find your 1RM for the day in the back squat.  Use any warm up rep scheme you'd like to get ready for this effort. The second workout is short and sweet.  If you cannot clean the bar to get it on to your back, you may use a rack.  Otherwise, get the bar from the ground to the back rack position. 

REMINDER: This Saturday, November 20th, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. CFEC will be having our "Fran Opening," celebrating our move to our new facility.  Come join in the fun. Get a workout in and stay for refreshments and food.  Dave Castro from CrossFit HQ will be in attendance to help celebrate CFEC's "Fran Opening."  All are welcome.

If you ever get the chance to arise early enough to make it to the 5:15 a.m. class, you may get a beautiful sunrise to help start your day.