Our take on the NorCal Regional Qualifier Final Workout

Catch 22

22 deadlifts 275#/165#
200m Farmers walk with 45#/25# dumbbells
22 thrusters with 45#/25# dumbbells
200m Farmers walk with 45#/25#
22 chest-to-bar pull-ups
400m Sprint
22 overhead squats @ 95#/65#
400m Sprint

We will be adding the Flexibility and Balance Training Class to the schedule beginning this Wednesday, May 13th, at 6pm.  The fee is $10.00 per class for current CFEC members and $14.00 per class for the general public.  Come improve your flexibility, balance, strength and overall fitness in this challenging and dynamic yoga-based class.  This class has been designed specifically to benefit CrossFitters, but is accessible and beneficial to those of all fitness levels and activities.  This class is open to anyone and everyone, feel free to invite your friends, family, neighbors, etc…

Reminder: There will be NO 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Classes on Monday.
CFEC staff will be gone on a special field trip. All classes will
resume regular scheduled times the rest of the week. Sorry for the