We have had many requests and suggestions about the manner of posting the WODS and since we truly value your opinions, we will once again be posting the WOD the night before.  Thank you to everyone for your input.

4 Rounds

400m Run
5 Deadlift 225#/155#
4 Deadlift 245#/165#
3 Deadlift 265#/175#
2 Deadlift 285#/185#
1 Deadlift 305#/195#

Post times to comments.

Thursday's WOD

"Tabata Mash-Up"

20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds of the following couplet:

Clean and Jerk 135#/95#

OR (modification if no muscle-ups)

Pull Ups
Clean and Jerk 135#/95#

1 mile run – not for time, just for FUN!

Add all reps for each exercise for total score. Scores are posted in comments.

Please check out the video of three of our very own awesome athletes Chad, Brandon, and Dave, who performed their first muscle-ups today.  Awesome job guys!