We have had many requests and suggestions about the manner of posting the WODS and since we truly value your opinions, we will once again be posting the WOD the night before. Thank you to everyone for your input.
4 Rounds
400m Run
5 Deadlift 225#/155#
4 Deadlift 245#/165#
3 Deadlift 265#/175#
2 Deadlift 285#/185#
1 Deadlift 305#/195#
Post times to comments.
Thursday's WOD
"Tabata Mash-Up"
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds of the following couplet:
Clean and Jerk 135#/95#
OR (modification if no muscle-ups)
Pull Ups
Clean and Jerk 135#/95#
1 mile run – not for time, just for FUN!
Add all reps for each exercise for total score. Scores are posted in comments.
Please check out the video of three of our very own awesome athletes Chad, Brandon, and Dave, who performed their first muscle-ups today. Awesome job guys!
Deanna 56/24=80 (pull-ups)
Lisa 17/23=40 83#-M/U WTF?
Don 27/17=44 RX
Jon 35/8=43 (pull-ups)
Paul 24/17=41 RX
Steve 6/19=25 RX
Teshina 51/24=75 (pull-ups)
Tiffany 15/9=24 RX
Yinka 47/19=66 (pull-ups)
Petey B. 30 Huh? – lisab
Chad 5 M/U!/22P/U/10=37
Julia 53/24=77 (pull-ups)
Dawn 32/26=58 (pull-ups)
Michelle Z. 40/38=73 (pull-ups)
Tina 45/22=67 (pull-ups)
Anniken 38/16=54 (pull-ups)
Piper 13/26=34 (pull-ups)
Dan 32/19=51 (pull-ups)
Brandon 3 M/U!/28P/U/14=35
Yvette 25/16=41 (pull-ups)
Dave 38/16=54 (pull-ups)
Hilda 27/24=51 (pull-ups)
Traci 23/22=45 (pull-ups)
Katie 51/16=67 (pull-ups)
Bill 45/16=61 (pull-ups)
Tony 44/27=71 (pull-ups)
Loni 44/26=70 (pull-ups)
Jake 61/16=77 (pull-ups)
Michelle St. J. 49/8=57 (pull-ups)
Kim 46/17=63 (pull-ups)
Newman 27/29=56 RX
David 43/16=59 (pull-ups)
Jarodd 41/19=60 (pull-ups
Taylor 61/15=76 (pull-ups)
Robin 52/17=69 (pull-ups)
Nice to see all those new muscle ups!! Almost had several more this evening with Jake, Tony, J’arrod and Dave. They were all right there. We need more gals to start going for it. There’s a ton of gals at cfec who could totally make ’em.
Hey, why do the Barbaras have the acronym for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday next to their names???? Is that a “love code” or something?
Lisa B. did you just remove your love code from Petey’s time??? I know I saw it there like 2 seconds ago and now it’s gone! WTF?
Way to go Chad, Brandon and Dave! The other guys that were close to getting their first muscle up today, Ja’rrod, Dave, Jake and Tony, keep practicing and you’ll have them in the next few days. With more of you guys bringing up your game, you guys will get your invites to start coming to the Level II classes to take your fitness to the next level.
Deborah 25:00 3rds.
Jack 28:40 (mod.)
Don 3 rounds
Julia 33:19 Rx
Teshina 18:58 Rx
Lisa 16:14 Rx
Paul 16:14 Rx
David 19:20
Dan 18:54 Rx
Dusty 20:39 Rx
Liza 25:16
Rose 27:10
Chrissy 16:50
Tony 24:10
Tina 20:10
Traci 19:29
Julie 14:34
Mike 18:52 Rx
Doug 17:37
Chad 24:08
Katie 29:52
Laurie 29:19
Hilda 30:25
Janie 20:25
Ken 24:33
Jennifer 29:41
Cris 22:48 Rx
Bill 27:50 Rx
Susan 27:16
Tyler 26:21
Sonya 24:43
Chris 26:49
Rebecca 26:55 Rx
Phil 19:51
Pam 25:30
Tony 14:24 Rx
Hey Phil, a little birdy told me you got your muscle up today! Congrats man! And the little birdy said you made it look EASY too! Time for all you guys to get on the board…..30 muscle ups for time!!! Let’s go.
Tony way to smoke the wod today! Keep it up buddy!