For time:

As a two man team, 2 rounds of each exercise, complete the following ladder:

1 to 7

KB Front Squats(M-2X35#, W-2X26#)

KB Swings(M-53#/W-35#)


Ring Push-ups

Box Jumps (M-24"/W-20")


Push Jerk (M-105#/W-75#)


One person does one exercise for one rep, the other person does one rep of the other exercise.  They switch and do one rep each, then two, then three and so on, up to a total of 7 reps each of each exercise listed.

Post time to comments

55 Burpees today!


Please join us on Tuesday night for a workout  and shopping with Lululemon or just come to shop and spread some Holiday Cheer!

Lululemon Athletic Apparel will be here next Tuesday, December 9th from 5pm – 7pm, refreshments will be served and we will still be having the 5pm classes.  Please feel free to bring family, friends, etc.  The clothes/accessories are for both men and women and would make fantastic presents for the holidays!! Lululemon is very popular in the CrossFit community. Their clothing is awesome quality and it looks great as well! Hope to see all of you here!