For time:

15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 KB Swings 53#/35#
5 Push-Ups
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 DB Thrusters 35#/25#

Post times to comments.


by Lisa Barbara

Here are some easy steps to starting your Fitness and Nutrition Journal.  First, determine what type of journal works best for you. You can purchase a
fitness log at any bookstore, use an old notebook or subscribe to an
online journal like Training Peaks or Spark People.  The CrossFit message board also has a section just for workout logs where you can keep your own blog.  I, personally, have always liked pencil and paper and have used several types of "fitness journals" in the past.  I now use a yearly calendar that has a "month at a glance" section which is where I record my workouts.  I keep track of my nutrition (everything I put in my mouth) in the "week at a glance" section.  I have been using this method since January 1st this year and like it very much.  I make goals for the month, keep track of any PR's, and list the things I need to work on and how many times per week I need to work on them to meet the goals I have set for myself.  When I look at the month, I can easily tell if I have met my goals, and why or why not. You will need to choose a format that works for you. This will depend on how much information you decide you want to
include in your journal.  Since we all know that the foundation of any good fitness program is solid nutrition, you
will want to include your daily food intake so that you can evaluate which foods
are helping you to achieve peak performance and those which hinder it.  This, of course, only works if you are honest!  Write in your journal like you are the only one to ever read it.  You should also enter details about your workouts.  Briefly describe the exercises that
you did and the amount of repetitions and the weights used.  You may want to include information about how you felt during the workout and a brief description of how you felt when finished.  This is helpful in identifying trends.  Review your journal periodically.  The information you've recorded will
allow you to see patterns and identify what works and what doesn't.  We work hard every day here at CFEC.  No matter what our starting point, or our current state, we are all striving to improve, be better, and get fitter.  How can you know whether you are or you aren't and why or why not, if you do not have the information at hand?  What was your Deadlift max?  Did you RX that last time you did "Fran"?  Did you use two blue pads or one the last time you did handstand push-ups?  Do you feel better during a workout if you ate steak and salad last night, a full plate of pasta with some garlic bread, or if you had fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy from KFC?  I don't know the answer to those questions, but if YOU were keeping a journal, YOU WOULD!  Check out a page of Julia's journal below.