AMRAP in 15 minutes.

Working in pairs, from floor to overhead. (135#/93#) Once the two of you complete the floor to overhead, that will be one round.


AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

7 Wall Ball (20#/16#)


7 Box Jumps (24"/20")

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Level II

Back Squat  1X5, 3X2, 2X1


Bent Over Row 3X5

Good Mornings 3X5

Eccentric Hamstring Drops 3X8

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Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  In the partner workout, make certain you're matched up with someone of your own ability.  If you cannot do the HSPU, or cannot use the bands for assistance, you will have to modify with clapping push ups or regular push ups.  Level II workout is designed to increase strength in the posterior chain.  Make sure you set your back before you attempt to pull the weight off the floor in the bent over row. Try to keep your spine angle set as you pull your elbows back and then straighten your arms out to return the bar to the floor.  Keep your mid-line tight as you perform the good mornings.  Bend your knees on the movement to relieve any pressure on the lumbar spine. On the eccentric hamstring drops, start in the kneeling position and with a partner holding your heels securely.  Engage your glutes and hamstring and slowly drop down into the bottom of a push up position. As you increase in reps, the speed of your decent will increase. Don't let the drop get out of your control.

Paul, Dan and Chad in various stages of kettlebell swinging exhaustion.