For Time:

21 Deadlifts (135#/95#)

9 Burpees

30 Bench Jumps (There and Back= 1)

15 Power Cleans (Same Bar)

15 Burpees

30 Bench Jumps

9 Push Jerks ( Same Bar)

21 Burpees

30 Bench Jumps

Post time to Comments.

Clear Definition of the Burpee

By Paul Flores

What makes a burpee legit or not legit?  We'll all agree that the chest needs to touch the deck as a portion of a legit burpee.  What needs to be defined a little more clearly is what happens with the knees.  During the push-up phase of the burpee the knees should not make contact with the ground.  This is only a necessity if your upper body strength requires this modification of the push-up.  However, if you are a top performer and you are expecting an Rx by your time on the white board, your knees should be nowhere near the ground for this phase of the burpee.  If they are, it is the same as doing push-ups from your knees.  Your knees should be locked so that your body forms a rigid line from your ankles to your shoulders.  No sagging in the hips or thighs.  We certainly understand the physical demands of this exercise, yet there is an efficiency factor that comes into play when you perform the burpee as we are describing here.  With your knees out of the way, you can pop to your feet faster.  Practice performing the burpee correctly and you will see your rest time decrease during a workout.  Come to class and start today.
