10-1,9-2,8-3,7-4,6-5,5-6,4-7,3-8,2-9,1-10  Rep Scheme Of:

Hang Snatch (75/53) and Wall Ball (20/16)

Box Jump (24"/20") and Ring Dips


50 Burpees

Post times to comments.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The workout goes like this: You do 10 hang snatches and 10 wall ball. Then you do 1 box jump and 1 ring dip. It's 9 hang snatches and 9 wall ball, then 2 box jumps and 2 ring dips… Modify as needed but make it a point to get full range of motion on whatever substitution you choose. R.O.M. is KING!  Hang snatch starts off the ground and is received in a full squat. You must stand to full hip and knee extension with the bar overhead to complete the exercise. The load is light enough to keep all reps as perfect as possible. Once everyone is done with the first workout, we'll reset the clock for the burpees.

October was definitely a month for setting PR's, if our board was any indication.  Check it out, an incredible 66 names on the board and almost all of those with multiple PR's!  CFEC athletes, YOU are awesome, your trainers are proud of you.