Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:
150 Wall Ball
P1 Does as many Wall Ball as possible. 20#/14#
P2 Runs 200m and switches upon his/her return.
4 Rounds
P1 15/10 Calories on Assault Bike + 15 Russian KB Swings 53#/35# + 5 Burpees
P2 Rest
* Do in “I go, you go” style
4 Rounds
P1 20 Double Unders + 10 Power Cleans 115#/75#
P2 Rest
* Do in “I go, you go” style.
Post time.
Andria/ Brian 30:24 Rx
Amadi/Mark T. 34:35 Rx
Andy/Newman Rx 31:28
Chris F. Rx/ Dylan 32:05
Partner workout
Tina H/Nicole 27:21 Rx
Marisa / William 27:45
Nicole/Haley 32:02
Ed 25:25 Rx
James 28:22
Jeff A 34:09
Sonya 35:20
Tina F 29:53
12 PM
Partner Workout
Curtis/Antonio 36:08
Beverly 33:08
Darren 35:49
Nicole H 29:22
Jo-Jo 17:30 Rx
Mark/Elizabeth 39:40
Severen/Tyler B 38:57Rx
Jean/Chris B 32:54Rx
Jeria/Trapp Rx 34:48
Will/JR 30:52Rx
Gary/Sloan 29:16Rx
Jeff W&girls 28:02
Morgen 32:10
Roomy 33:01