Bench Press 5 X 5  L1 M-BW, W-65% BW  LII 125% BW,W-85% BW

Power Clean 5 X 5  L1 60% of 1RM  LII 75% of 1RM


10-1, 9-2, 8-3, 7-4, 6-5, 5-6, 4-7, 3-8, 2-9, 1-10 of:

KB Clean and Jerk  2 @ 35#/2 @ 26#

Box Jump  24"/20"

Post loads and time.

Coaching Tip:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The first part of the workout goes like this: bench press for 5 sets of 5 reps and work the 5 sets of 5 reps of power cleans into the set. Go back and forth between the two exercises. Get as much rest as needed between each set. Work on proper form and efficient movement. The second workout goes like this: do 10 KB clean and jerks and 1 box jump. Then, do 9 KB clean and jerks and 2 box jumps and so on. The KB C & J is from the ground to overhead any how. There has to be a pause at the shoulder before going overhead, though.