Level 1

Partner Workout

Must Complete:

50 Burpee Pull Ups / 200M Run with Med Ball 20/14#

100 Wall Ball 20/14# / 250M Row

150 KB Swings 53/35# / 10 Calories Airdyne

Post time.


Level 2

Partner Workout

Must Complete with 2 people working at the same time:

100 Ring Push Ups

10 x 100′ Sled Pulls 90/50#

100 Med Ball GHD Sit Ups with a toss 14/10#

200M Front Rack Walking Lunges 135/93#

1 Mile Sandbag Run 70/50#

150′ Handstand Walk

Post time.


Please join us Saturday 06/28 at La Jolla Shores for a beach workout!  The 8am and 9am classes will be held there.