
200m Farmer Walk  2 @ 53#/ 2 @ 35#

5 Reps of "The Bear" Complex

1:00 Ring Plank Holds

5 times.

Post Rx'd or not.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level.  There is no time element in this workout, but there are rules that if broken, will result in a 15 burpee penalty per occurrence.  The workout starts with the farmer walk. If you must, you can put the KB's down to rest, but once you return to the gym you must start your "Bear" complex. The "Bear" complex consists of a power clean, front squat, push press, back squat to push press. That's one rep. There are 5 reps in one round. Here's where it gets complicated. You cannot rest the bar on the ground, even to re-grip, once the complex is started. You can rest the bar anywhere else but the ground. Find the spot that works best for you. Once you have completed the complex you must go directly into the ring plank holds for 60 seconds. That's one round. Rest as long as you need. If you incurred a penalty, you must do your burpees after you've completed a round. A penalty means NO Rx. The load for the complex is set by you, but the weight must be increased every round.

Andy got his first muscle-up yesterday, then went on to get several more.  He was able to string 3 together, awesome job Andy!