Level 1

Partner Workout

AMRAP in 10 Minutes
5 Deadlifts 185/135#
15 Calorie Row (W=10)
*Partner A completes 1 full round then Partner B completes 1 full round
Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
10 Russian KB Swings 53/35#
100M Sprint
*Partner A completes 1 full round then Partner B completes 1 full round
Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
100 Wall Ball 20#@10’/14#@9′
Max Reps Double Unders
*Partners switch off however on wall ball; when 100 reps are complete, then do max reps double unders in remaining time.

Note: When Partner A does 1 round, then Partner B does 1 round = 2 rounds

Post total number of rounds plus reps and number of double unders.

Level 2

Partner Workout

AMRAP in 10 Minutes
2 Rope Climbs (1/1)
2 Low Sled Pushes 90# (1/1)
Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
100 Double Unders *Zeus Cable
50 Alternating Pistols
*Divide reps however you want
Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
Max Reps 200M Run with Sandbag 70/50# (1 partner at a time)
Partner Holds Forearm Plank
*Partner A runs while Partner B holds plank; then switch

Post total reps and number of completed 200M runs.

Barbell Club

3,3,3,3,3,3 Deadlift *AHAP (Dead stop each rep. DO NOT DROP FROM TOP: controlled back to the ground every rep)
*6 Working sets of 3, do not include warm ups.
4 Rounds
20 GHD Hip Extensions
10 DB Bench Press
10 Ring Rows (feet on box set to ring height)

Post loads.