5 Deadlift 225#/155# (Comp. 275#/185#)
10 Burpees
5 times.
1000m Row
Cleans 95#/63# (Comp. 135#/93#)
Push Jerks
1000m Row
Post times.
Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The first workout comes from the 2008 CrossFit Games. At the time, 275# deadlift weight was considered to be very heavy in a CrossFit workout. This past year's Games had the men doing a deadlift workout with 315#. So, I guess heavy truly is a relative term. Please, warm up completely before starting the workout. Going fast with a heavy deadlift can be a dicey proposition if good form and a good warm up are not involved. The second workout is a row sandwich, with a little "Grace" twist as the meat of the workout. It's always an entirely different kind of a workout when you throw running or rowing into the mix of a benchmark workout. Nothing new there. Should be fun. It's Friday!
A healthy expecting mother….
A healthy, happy child.
Phil I’m shooting for 5:15am ..will I see you there?
Sorry stranger. Went at 6 last night. Good luck!
Liza 10:41/25:51
Jack Mobility
Jerry 7:54 Rx/19:38 Rx
Walt 6:20 Rx/20:26 Rx
Dusty 7:32 Rx Comp./19:43 Rx Comp.
Tina R. 9:00/23:20
Monica 5:51 Rx/19:42 Rx
Dawn 6:50/22:58
Robert 8:30 Rx Comp./27:32 Rx Comp.
Bill 5:41 Rx/17:10 Rx
Tina 5:43/19:12 Rx
Traci -/21:48
Teshina 4:40 Rx Comp./17:19 Rx Comp.
Sabrina 7:50/25:29 Rx
Pete DNF/20:47
Ed 4:41 Rx/15:39 Rx
Chad 7:12 Rx/20:54 Rx
Newman 3:21 Rx Comp./19:01 Rx Comp.
David L. 6:52 Rx Comp./23:43 Rx Comp.
Michelle Z. 8:48 Rx Comp. 20:58
Shawn 5:02/22:13Rx
Carissa 6:02/18:25Rx
Lisa 5:44Rx/26:42Rx comp.
Dano 7:13Rx comp./23:58Rx comp.
Luke 8:28/22:17
Anniken 6:59Rx comp./21:43Rx comp.
Brittany 6:59/22:20
Mark 12:12/16:47 Mod.
Lenny 4:50/15:49
Ja’Rodd 4:34/17:36
Joey 4:10Rx/19:06Rx
John R. 4:12Rx/20:43Rx
Sloane 4:15Rx/19:54Rx
Dano J. 6:09/18:52
Alex 6:09/19:38Rx
Drew 6:11Rx/17:00Rx
Sara 13:23Rx/22:05Rx
Mike 8:41Rx comp./38:50Rx comp.
Eric 9:55/21:49
I am always browsing online for tips that can help me. Thx!