
There will be no 5:15 am class this morning; the first class will be at 8 am.

Friday, December 19th following the 5 pm class will be having a CFEC holiday party.  We will be doing a pot luck, white elephant gift exchange, and a game night  Bring the whole family!

Thank you to everyone who came to the class yesterday.  We had a great turnout for a fun filled workout!  We are very thankful to be a part of such an amazing family at CFEC,  Thank you to everyone for all of your constant support, hard work, motivation, and dedication!


Level 1

800M Run

50 Wall Ball 20/14#

800M Run

50 KB Swings 53/35#

800M Run

100 Sit Ups

Post time.


Level 2

AMRAP in 20 Min

1 Rope Climb

30 Double Unders

20′ Handstand Walk


EMOM for 10 Min

10 Wall Ball 30/20#@10′

Post total reps and Rx or not.


Barbell Club

EMOM for 10 Min

Odd: 5 Front Squats @ 80%1RM

Even: 7 Strict HSPU


EMOM for 15 Min

1 Snatch from the blocks @ mid thigh

Post loads.