Open Gym:

Work on weaknesses, PR in a benchmark workout or make up a missed workout.  Be productive in any choice you make.

Your coaches will be available to help you make an intelligent decision.

Diana, Dave and I did a little re-con this morning.  We were looking for new and exciting ways to elevate our fitness and take advantage of the warmer weather.  We looked no farther than the street a few steps away from our front door. We grabbed a C2 rower and off we went for 4 sets of 250m row and 150m hill sprints.  What a time we had!


 You can see by the background scenery just how steep this hill was.  There are probably still fragments of both Diana and Dave's lungs up there at the top of the hill.  The rower is just on the other side of the shade and in front of the car parked on the curb.