Level I
3 Rounds
500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit-Ups
20 KB Swings 53#/35#
10 Burpees
Level II
30 Clean & Jerks 135#/93#
Ground to shoulder, shoulder to overhead, you do not need to squat.
30 Snatches 135#/93#
Ground to overhead, you do not need to squat.
1 Mile Run
Run 1 minute, 30 walking lunges steps, repeat until you have completed 1 mile.
Post both times.

Olympic Total
Snatch 1,1,1
Clean & Jerk 1,1,1
Warm up as needed, then 3 attempts of each lift for max weight, you can not lower weight if an attempt is missed.
Post heaviest successful lift for each movement.
Compare to 2/10/2010
Reminder: CFEC’s Holiday Brunch Pot Luck is this Saturday at 10:30am or immediately following the 9am class (the only class offered that day.) Everyone is welcome, come for the workout, come for the pot luck, or come for both, we sincerely hope to see you there.