10 Deadlifts 185#/135#
30 Double Unders
5 times.
5:00 Ring Plank Holds
30 Sit Ups
15 Box Jumps 24″/20″
300m Row
3 times.
Post time, time/breaks and time.
Coaching Tips: Each of these workouts should not take more than 15 minutes to complete. So, we’lll move from one to the other at a good clip. The 5 minute ring plank hold should be done with the fewest rest periods as possible. Your time will not include rest periods when you were not in the rings. You’ll, also, keep track of how many breaks you took.
Congratulations to everyone who made it to the December PR board. It is a new year and we all have new goals, who will be the first to achieve one and get their name on January’s board? Let’s get to work!
Also, congratulations to Lenny on being granted membership in to the CFEC Muscle-Up club. This was not his first, just the first one caught on video, awesome job Lenny! I would love for you to post responses to Newman’s commentary…
But where would we be without standards???? We would be just like any other CrossFit gym in the east county if not for standards!
Plus, there was no show of favoritism being that Lenny is a member of Rx Jump Ropes AND practically my common law brother-in-law.
Rose 15:58Rx/8:38Rx+7/13:57Rx
Eric 13:42Rx/9:15Rx+10/11:37Rx
Mike 6:44Rx/7:15+3/9:30Rx
After further review, it has come to an agreement amoung the judges, that LeNard did indeed lock out at the top of the muscle up. It was fast but legit.
Don 6:00Rx/8:00Rx+12/10:02Rx
Charlotte 10:27 3 rnds./7:04+4 3 min./5:58 1 rnd
Walt 10:09Rx/7:00Rx+7/11:32Rx
Amy 15:50Rx/8:45Rx+6/13:44Rx
Tyler 9:15Rx/7:40Rx+8/13:08Rx
Kristi 13:51/9:15Rx+11/11:18Rx
Julie 8:25/8:40Rx+11/11:45Rx
Audrey 10:18/8:45Rx+10/15:18
Jeff A. 9:05Rx/7:30Rx+8/10:15Rx
Tony A. 5:35Rx/6:00Rx+6/9:16Rx
Tina F. 7:56/6:00Rx+8/10:53Rx
Spears 7:02Rx/7:15Rx+6/11:27Rx
Sabrina 8:14/7:30Rx+5/11:39Rx
Robert 6:41Rx/5:00Rx/9:59Rx
Steve H. 7:56/8:30Rx+7/12:40Rx
Chad 7:06 Rx/6:32 Rx+6/11:00 Rx
Tiffany 9:33 Rx/5:06 Rx+1/10:27 Rx
Liza 10:32/9:06 Rx+8/16:18 Rx
Carissa 11:04 Rx/8:55 Rx+12/10:03 Rx
Diana 6:55Rx/5:50Rx+5/11:26Rx
Jarodd 8:19Rx/–/11:56Rx
Well, too bad there’s no such thing as Instant Replay in CrossFit. So the original ruling on the field stands.
And maybe i’m just getting LeNard back for shorting a ton of my reps on FGB. It’s called subjective judging. haha
Jeff F. 8:31/8:40Rx+12/9:17
Bill 7:33Rx/6:40Rx+5/9:27Rx
Dano –/–/9:40Rx
Sara 13:24Rx/8:16Rx+7/10:58Rx
David K. 8:22Rx/6:30Rx+3/9:29Rx
Jake 12:15Rx/8:30Rx+6/10:17Rx
Lenny 4:15Rx/6:55Rx+10/8:47Rx
Sonya 12:06/7:02Rx+4/13:05Rx
Jim D. 7:14Rx/8:45Rx+12/11:22Rx
Sloane 7:43Rx/7:43Rx+8/9:51Rx
Joey 5:49Rx/7:00Rx+3/8:50Rx
Kim 21:58/9:30Rx+5/11:33Rx
Chris A. 12:30Rx/6:35Rx+8/10:54Rx
Briley 4:56Rx/5:00Rx/9:26Rx
Susan 10:13/7:00Rx+7/11:22Rx
Shawn 5:39Rx/6:21Rx+5/10:27Rx
Julia 10:08Rx/6:30Rx+11/9:52Rx
Anniken 5:47Rx/7:30Rx+7/9:23Rx