
AMRAP in 2 Minutes

Max Wall Ball Reps   20# @ 10'/14# @ 8'

Rest 4 Minutes

3 times.


AMRAP in 3 Minutes

Max Push Up Reps

Must do 50 double unders prior to doing push ups.

Rest 3 Minutes

3 times.

Post Wall Ball and Push Up average.


Snatch – Build to Heavy Single

Push Press  3,3,3,3

15 Wrist Curls 75#/55#/KB Farmer Walks 60 Seconds  2@ 53#/2 @ 35#  X 4

Post loads and Rx or not.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Beginning on September 1, 2011, CrossFit East County will have different levels classes implemented into it's regular group class schedule. 

We will now only offer Beginners Class during the first 2 weeks of every month.  The classes will only run for those 2 weeks.  This will make the process of getting filtered into the Level 1 group classes much quicker and easier.  The cost will remain the same and we will be adding one more class time per week. 

We will now have a Level 1 Group Class that will  be offered for $100 per month.  This L1 group class will be CrossFit only workouts that will be designed to build a solid fitness base that you will use and need to advance to the Level II Group classes.  It is here where you will hone and develop the skills needed for LII classes.  All new members, those that are new to CrossFit, will remain at this level for a minimum of 3 months. This level will run with the current monthly class schedule.  

Next is our Level II Group Classes.  Most, if not all, of our current members are Level II members.  The LII Group Classes will be very much the same as we have it now.  No change in programming, no change in scheduling, no change in price. 

Lastly, we have our Sport Class.  This group is for those athletes that are on an individualized program and are following their programs set up by the coaching staff at CFEC.  This for athletes looking to compete in some sport or another.  These members can do any and all of the other levels in the group classes, but when they are following their own program they are not to interfere with the coaches teaching the current group class.  The cost for the Sport Class varies for services chosen, but will include a LII Group Class membership. 

If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at [email protected].